Home Sleep Studies with ARES Technology

The ARES home sleep studies device is a wireless physiological recorder, comfortably worn on the forehead to record up to three nights of data.
It measures blood oxygen saturation. pulse rate, airflow, snoring levels, head position and head movement. It provides an excellent profile of a patient’s breathing during sleep in his or her normal home environment.
This wearable device is small and allows for comfortable sleeping in any position. The ARES device includes indicators, both audio and visual, to let the user know if any adjustment is required. Easy to perform, and non-invasive, Ares home sleep studies are patient-friendly and provide a comprehensive analysis.
Home Sleep Studies with WatchPAT Technology

Proper diagnosis is key to effectively treating sleep disorders. In the past, patients were always required to spend a night at a sleep diagnostic center for observation and testing. Today, Hackensack Sleep and Pulmonary Center offers several diagnostic studies that may be done in the comfort of one’s own home.
Innovative technology has provided us with new FDA approved devices that ensure accurate detection of sleep apnea. These new diagnostic devices are easy to use and the fact that the patient can sleep in their own environment is a plus.

Our home sleep studies, using WatchPat technology, have the capability to monitor a patient’s changes in peripheral arterial tone and activity and blood oxygen saturation levels. With this new technology, sleep apnea events can be identified in the same way as a polysomnogram that is performed in a sleep lab.
WatchPat, designed for home use, provides automated data analysis, and once returned to your physician, you will receive a detailed report very quickly.
WatchPat Home Sleep Testing FAQs
What is WatchPAT?
WatchPAT is an FDA-approved state-of-the-art technology portable sleep study device created for use in the comfort of your home to ensure accurate screening, detection, and correct follow-up treatment of sleep apnea. The WatchPAT is portable and easy to use at home. It monitors your blood oxygen saturation levels and detects changes in peripheral arterial tone.
What is Peripheral Arterial Tone (PAT)?
Peripheral Arterial tone (PAT) is a physiological signal that mirrors changes in the autonomic nervous system caused by respiratory disturbances during sleep. The automatic algorithm of WatchPAT analyzes the PAT signal amplitude along with heart rate and oxygen saturation to identify respiratory events. Using specific signal patterns, the algorithm provides the two critical indices called the AHI and the RDI.
PAT technology is a non-invasive window to the cardiovascular system and autonomic nervous system. The PAT Signal is measured from the fingertip by recording finger arterial pulsatile volume changes.
How long does the WatchPAT home study take?
The amount of time people sleep varies from person to person. The WatchPAT is put on when you go to bed. It is taken off when you wake in the morning. The WatchPAT will record your particular sleep cycles.
Is the WatchPat Sleep Study Covered by Medical Insurance?
Currently, coverage varies from insurance carrier to carrier. At-home sleep studies with WatchPAT are typically covered by most insurance carriers. Even so, some insurance policies specifically exclude coverage for the diagnosis and/or treatment of sleep disorders. Patients need to contact their local carrier regarding their specific policy plan.